Responsible Investment

As a responsible institutional investor, Sumitomo Mitsui DS Asset Management actively endeavors to engage in responsible investment, including stewardship and ESG activities from the perspective of fulfilling its fiduciary duty to provide good investment returns to customers and the ultimate beneficiaries.

For information on our company's policies regarding impacts of environmental and social sustainability on financial condition of investee companies and environmental and social impacts derived from investee companies' business activities, please click the link below.

Acceptance of Japan’s Stewardship Code

Acceptance of Japan’s Stewardship Code

The company accepts Japan’s Stewardship Code, which sets out the principles of a “responsible institutional investor.”
The company publishes the results of its “engagement activities” for improving corporate value and self-assessments on the implementation status of the stewardship code, which it is currently reinforcing.

Exercise of Voting Rights

ESG Investments

ESG Investments

The company has signed the United Nations’ Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and engages in investment that takes into account the environment, society, and governance (ESG).
The company publishes its ESG investment policies and approaches.

Corporate Sustainability

With our corporate philosophy "Towards The Best Asset Management Firm for Your Better Quality of Life.", we provide high-quality asset management services to our clients and as a responsible institutional investor that plays a role in the investment chain we are actively engaged in stewardship activities.


Acceptance of Japan’s Stewardship Code

Engagement activity performance

FY2019  FY2020  FY2021  FY2022  FY2023

Our Commitment to Fiduciary Duties and Sustainability

Environmental Disclosure

Our Approach on Human Rights Issues

Contact details for dialogue on exercise of voting rights and ESG

Contact details for dialogue on exercise of voting rights and ESG

The company publishes contact details for parties who wish to engage in dialogue regarding the company’s exercise of its voting rights and ESG.

  1. *This material has been prepared by SMDAM using data from sources believed to be reliable, but SMDAM cannot and does not guarantee the completeness, accuracy or timeliness of those data. SMDAM can not be held responsible for any damages and losses incurred based on this material.

  2. *It is strictly prohibited from using this material for investments or businesses, reproducing/copying this material, or from disclosing this material to a third party.